Author: Rhonda Rivera

  • But wait, there’s more!!

    But wait, there’s more!!

    I don’t know how many people have had the good fortune to stumble upon the recent post on Facebook regarding Duran Duran’s return to Vegas. No, not the one taking place on Thursday night, I mean another return AFTER the return (after the return…rinse and repeat!). Duran Duran announced that over the weekend just before…

  • Talk about getting older…

    Sometimes, I just have to sit back and laugh. Like some of you, I’m sure, I’ve noticed that the band has commenced with their US tour. My sister was at what ended up being their first show, in Chicago. I have her word that it was “awesome”. Coming from her, given that she would tease…

  • Give yourself a break!

    This week in the Real Life of Rhonda, marching band started for my youngest. She is about to start high school, and along with that comes all of the football games, rallies, parades and practices. So this past week served as “Band Camp”. Now, I remember Band Camp very well – sure, it may have…

  • People are nutty

    People are nutty

    I know I’ve typed those words before. Some of my readers over the years may even have taken offense to them. Truth of the matter is, we – the people – ARE nutty at times. Lately, and I hardly think I’m the only one, I’ve been getting so many “fake” accounts following me on Instagram…

  • Maybe we can still call it paradise

    Maybe we can still call it paradise

    Are you going to any of the North American shows this time around? Someone on Twitter mentioned a very different vibe for this tour. I can’t disagree. But I’m not sure I’m an appropriate judge. For the past six months, I’ve done very, very, little when it comes to Duran Duran. I think I’ve even…

  • Super Pumped

    Super Pumped

    I am making progress! Today, I finally figured out how to get subscriptions working. Yes, that seems like it should have been a simple thing. It probably was when I was 40. Alas. (Why can’t we use emojis in blogs? Come on now. That seems like it should be a thing by now.) Normally, I…

  • It is a process

    I used to have a very clear memory of the day I wrote the first blog for my first site. There is still this gauzy, vague sort of picture I have in my minds eye of that morning. I was sitting at my small kitchen table, nervously tapping the keys. The memory I have of…

  • It is time

    I swore I wouldn’t do it again, but here I am. This time, I’m on my own. For those who don’t know me, my name is Rhonda and for much of the past decade or so, I was one of the owners of Daily Duranie. I wrote four days a week, managed the blog as…