Tag: Velvet Rebel

  • That’s a Wrap!

    That’s a Wrap!

    Whoa. I lost November somewhere…and part of December too. Where do the weeks go? I had big plans for writing, and then the Hall of Fame came along, and bam! It’s now December 13. What?!? I won’t lie, real life has been kicking my ass lately. I’ve had concerts and other holiday performances to rehearse…

  • Don’t Stop Believing

    Since 2005, I have traveled to see Duran Duran quite a few times. Some trips have been very short – like a three day weekend to and from New York City. (Why I ever thought that was a good idea, I’ll never know) I felt like I was there and back within a blink of…

  • I acknowledge the FOMO!

    In fandom, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a huge deal. A “Big Thing”, if you will. No one wants to miss a single thing, but some of us—okay, many of us—have to pick and choose what we do. Maybe it’s finances that deter us, perhaps it is geographic location, or both. (I haven’t forgotten…

  • Buongiorno, famiglia mia!!

    I am back. (the title says hello, or good day, my family!!) Truthfully, I landed back on US soil last week (I think it was Wednesday). As most can guess, I’ve been getting reacquainted with my house, family and schedule. Gizmo, my darling dog, is back home. He’s still giving me the “You LEFT me”…